I collect the humble clothes peg and this blog is a method of sharing my stories with others who may be interested ..... if not in pegs, then in the stories of my pursuit of pegs. Please feel free to comment on any entry.
Tuesday, 6 November 2007
Jerusalem Peg Convention ....
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
Where have I been?
On this trip there have been a few peg experiences which I shall relate to you later, but one of the most brilliant has been the meeting of minds in Jerusalem.
I am in an Intnet cafe in India at the moment and the computer is refusing to upload the photos that DB took.
I will try again at a later date .....
till then, my friends,
ta ta
Friday, 7 September 2007
Oh No ... it's not about pegs is it?
Are you sitting comfortably? Well make sure you are because I have a story to tell and some pictures to show you.
For the last seven years I have been building a "Cutler" style roll top desk. I have constructed it almost entirely from Australian River Red Gum which I have bought as rough planks from a lovely guy who runs a wood yard in the Barmah Forest in deepest Victoria.
Red Gum is an exceedingly hard wood and is consequently very heavy. It has a wonderful variety of grains with heaps of blemishes which give it a fantastic character. I have used railway nails collected from the remains of the old Ghan railway in South Australia as handles for some of the drawers.
Why has it taken me seven years? Well, apart from the fact that I am not an expert cabinet maker, this desk is very complex and I have incorporated much more than mere woodwork. My desk is unique and I thought I would tell you about some of its more interesting features.
Firstly of course there is the roll top or 'tambour' as it is known in the trade (not that I am in the trade you understand). The special feature of my tambour is that it is activated by a remote control which automatically opens the desk.
As a child I was always fascinated my my mother's writing desk which had a secret compartment and so I have included lots of secret cupboards and controls within the desk.
I have hidden my computer in a drawer and there is an electronic control which causes the keyboard and screen to rise up and open from within the desk. This control also switches on the computer. Yes, I know I could have just used a lap-top, but that is just way too easy!
My printer is hidden deep within the bowels of the desk and when I use it, pages magically appear in one of my drawers. I haven't yet found a way of automatically inserting more paper into the printer hopper so at the moment I have a hidden device which causes the side of the desk to slide open and reveal the printer so that I can re-fill it.
At the front of the desktop there is a small carved cupboard door which opens by means of a voice activated control. This control will, not only switch on the internal light, but also tell me if anyone else has attempted to open it.
Intruders B E W A R E !!
Incidentally, the door of this cupboard is a carved Celtic knot design which has great personal meaning for me. I do not know the Celtic origins, but to me represents "Perseverence".
As the desk is nearing completion (at long last I hear most of you say ...) my thoughts have turned to the chair. For some time I have been looking for a suitable chair but not one single chair had all the design features that I wanted. DB said ... "Well, if you've managed to design and make your own desk, surely a chair wouldn't be that difficult .." WELL I ask you!!
After much contemplation (I never do anything quickly) and a bit of serendipitous luck on e-Bay, I finally found a chair that I liked and as it is made in Oak, I have decided to copy the "Captain's Chair" design in Red Gum. That way, I satisfy both my demands, and those of DB which can't be bad.

I'll keep you posted as to its progress, and once I've finished it, I'll be sitting comfortably, just like you.
Saturday, 30 June 2007
T.V. or not T.V. .... that is the question
Well here is a strange looking item in my collection. Strictly speaking it shouldn't be there, but it is still a peg and illustrates one of the many uses that the humble clothes peg has been put to.
Apparently, when televisions were first introduced into America and they had more than one channel, the TVs weren't equipped with the means to change the channel ... can you believe that? No remotes? No twiddly knobs? How did they change to the other side?
Don't quote me, but I have been told that the householders put up an aerial or antenna for each channel and ran the cables down to their lounge.
Attached to the TV by wires and hanging down at the back were these pegs which they would use to connect the TV to the antenna - I wouldn't like to have changed channels when there was lightning about.
Thursday, 14 June 2007
Back from Bangkok
Well, I am finally back to a computer and can tell you a tale about my Bangkok experiences.
On our way to England, in May of this year DB and I stopped off in Bangkok for five days and whilst she went in search of fripperies like crystal tiara's and silken pashminas, I continued my serious search for pegs. One day we took the skytrain to Chatuchak Market which is only open on Saturdays and Sundays.
We had been to Bangkok before in 2001 and that time we found a narrow alley near to Chinatown which was an Aladdin's cave of treasures.
I was in heaven and filled a large carrier bag full of new pegs. On my return to England, I put all our luggage into the back of our small Fiesta van and drove to our base which is in a block of council flats in deepest Gloucestershire.
Being tired and feeling lazy I carried as much luggage as possible into the flat and left the rest for the morning. Late next day after a deep jet lagged sleep and a long lie in, I went to the car and was horrified to find that the back and side van windows had been smashed and my precious pegs stolen. I have bitterly regretted leaving that precious bag of pegs in the back of the van....but how do you convince someone else how precious they are?
Obviously I had to make a claim on the insurance for the windows which meant I had to report the crime. You try telling a policeman that only a bag of pegs was stolen. I could tell that the one in front of me was thinking sad thoughts about me and just couldn't appreciate my loss.
No, I didn't claim for the pegs on the insurance - perhaps I should have claimed for the air fare back to Bangkok to replace them - but .....somewhere in the neighbourhood, there is a garden with very unusual Thai clothes pegs holding the washing onto the line..................
Friday, 27 April 2007
Laid Back and Sidetracked
You may have noticed a shortage of blogs lately and I have to say that I have been a little bit sidetracked what with overseas visitors and the mad scramble to get my new storage system up and fixed before our departure for foreign lands.
I am hoping to see some new places in the world this year, but in the meantime have been seeing a little more of Australia. This photo was taken on Melbourne's Southbank.
This is our visitor outside the Shrine of Rememberance the day before Anzac Day
Iconic Brighton Beach
William Ricket's Sanctuary is a really good start to any visit to Melbourne
Ballarat Wildlife Park .... one of the best places to take visitors
Trash and Treasure in the Sunday Market at Bentleigh
Looking down on the Casino from the top of the Rialto Tower
The Block Arcade in Melbourne's city centre
This old man is a banksia nut in Cheltenham Park
and this is the beautiful babysoft banksia flower
OK - enough now. Sorry about the lack of pegs in this posting, but I will be back on track soon - I hope!
Tuesday, 10 April 2007
Getting Things in Order
I am always amazed when I see other people's collections and I wonder how they manage to catalogue them in order to know exactly what they have got and what they have not. This doesn't just apply to pegs of course, I recently saw a television program about a guy collecting dice ... he had thousands and thousands and I cannot begin to imagine how he knows what he has or hasn't got in his collection.
I am a systematic kind of person and when my collection began to grow, I had to come up with a way of recording the pegs and this is what I do:
As soon as I receive a new peg I check to see if I already have it by comparing it to all my other pegs which are displayed on racks. With my cataloguing system, I only have to check it visually against half a dozen others.
Once I am sure it is a new one, I give it the next number that is available and attach a label to it with it's identifying number on it. The photo shows an example of each spring type.
I categorise them firstly by their spring design and these are the designs I have:-
CONVENTIONAL...................... see Peg No 1368
WIRE CLIP........................ see Peg No 1345
LEAF SPRING....................... see Peg No 48
BUTTERFLY SPRING................. see Peg No 436
SELF.............................. see Peg No 854
RING.............................. see Peg No 873
WIDE CLIP......................... see Peg No 187
COIL COMPRESS.................... see Peg No 478
COIL TENSION..................... see Peg No 293
By the way, I have no idea why I choose to call one of them a "butterfly" spring but there must have been a reason.
Anyway, I have already measured the new peg accurately using vernier callipers so I now enter into a database, the details of when and from where I acquired it, then the weight, cost and length of it.
The new peg is then clipped into it's correct spot (by length) in the rack holding those of its spring design.
The racks run down the entire length of my hall and there is plenty of room for more pegs, but I must say that I am rather pleased that I am not collecting dice!
Sunday, 8 April 2007
Happy Easter
Happy Easter everyone. I thought I'd take this opportunity to show you a few of my Easter pegs .... hope you like them. They were a present from DB's sister.
I have more easter pegs to come ... but have to rush out now as we are having an Easter Barbie in the hills with some friends.
p.s. .....
I'm back now and here is a virtual Easter Egg for you!!

Tuesday, 27 March 2007
Pegs aren't Boring . . . . . .

Who says Pegs are boring? Well this posting is all about a boring matter.
Just in case some of you were thinking that I was so obsessed with pegs that I couldn't manage to think about anything else, I would like to share a recent experience with you.
The other day DB and I went to a local timber yard which sells old railway sleepers and garden timber. In the corner of the yard was a steel cage containing off-cuts and scrap bits to be sold as firewood. The bits were all kinds of shapes and a number of them had been severely attacked by grubs which are known as "borers" in Australia. Initially, I had wanted to make a small box, using this interesting wood, but as you can see by the photograph, the borer had eaten most of the wood presenting a bit of a challenge.
We selected about ten pieces of red gum, paid the Japanese owner her $10 and I returned home with my treasures.
Back in the shed, I had doubts about making a box from something which looked like a sieve, but DB had a brainwave ......
She looked at the grub eaten brick shaped piece of red gum and said ....."Go and slice it like a loaf and keep the slices in order". I thought she had lost the plot a bit but never one to argue, and being quite an obedient chap, I did as I was instructed and attacked the wood.
When I returned, with 24 slices of grub eaten loaf/wood, she divided them into six groups of four and opened them out .... a bit like butterflies .. and placed them in symmetrical patterns. After a bit of shifting around, she finally settled on three groups of eight which I then glued to backing sheets of thin plywood and sanded them level.
At first DB thought they looked a bit like brain scans, but then (fortunately) she had the idea of rock pools and with the aid of a little acrylic paint, some liquid glass, and a bit of co-operation, we ended up with an artistic triptych. The photo shows the three panels together with a lump of wood filled with borer holes and also a grub .... it isn't a real one - DB made it from clay.
I know that all this has absolutely NOTHING to do with pegs, but I am so pleased with the resulting artwork that I wanted to share it with you.
........ what do you reckon we'd get for it on E-Bay??
Friday, 16 March 2007
Stop Press ......
Those that know me will be aware that I talk a bit. Well, to be honest, I talk quite a lot. Some of my blogs are a bit lengthy too, so I have devised a cunning plan for those of you who want to see the photos but don't want to plough through all the words.
If you look to the right of my page underneath the archives list, you will see that I have added a photo album.
Just click on the picture of that handsome fellow there and you will be transported to an album of all my blog photos.
But wait ............
there's more .............
I've also added a few photos of pegs not yet featured in my blog.
I won't keep you .... I can tell you are really excited ....
Wednesday, 7 March 2007
Bakelite Sniper Comes Good

As an avid collector, I naturally watch for clothes pegs and pins to be listed for sale on EBay.
Some years ago, I was doing my daily search and "6 Art Deco clothespins plastic or bakelite" came up for auction. with a starting price of US$25.
I was hugely excited by these pegs and kept a very close watch on them during the following week. Nobody bid on them at all and the auction was due to finish at 3 a.m. Melbourne time.
I waited until I was just too tired to stay up any longer (2am) and then put in a ridiculously high bid of US$50 and went to bed confident that they were mine.
The next morning, I was up early and eagerly logged on to EBay to confirm that the prize was mine.
Shock, horror, Oh No! Another bidder had waited until the last few minutes of the auction and had captured my pegs for $51 - that's known in the trade as "sniping" and I must admit to being a sniper myself on occasions.
But I was devastated - what could I do?
After a lot of thought I illegally wrote to the winner and asked if he was prepared to sell just one of these precious pegs to me. I told him I was quite happy to pay whatever he asked and quite understood if he wanted to make a profit.
Back came this wonderful reply "I collect bakelite items and I only need one so tell me what colours you would like and I'll post you a couple for free".
How about that - what a lovely guy.
Thursday, 1 March 2007
Surfing Man

Well, here it is, courtesy of Surf.
There are two sizes and it looks as if he is wearing a tie.
Does he look a bit rude hanging on the line or is it my imagination?
Tuesday, 20 February 2007
Softly, softly ....

Wednesday, 7 February 2007
A Parcel Arrives ....
Friday, 2 February 2007
Saturday, 27 January 2007
Selamat Datang to all Peglomaniacs
One crisp autumnal day, DB & I left England and flew into the heat and dust of Cairo. From our tenth floor bedroom in the hotel, the view was of rooftops covered in a thick layer of dirt and detritus (bricks, timber, pallets etc.). It was as dry as if it hadn't rained for the last thousand years and the number of satellite dishes on each roof had to be seen to be believed. Below us was what appeared to be a bombsite covered in rubbish, guarded 24 hours a day by a guy at the entrance ... every building of any note was guarded.
We took a taxi to a market and found a few new pegs .. at least half of them had been made in China. It was hot and dusty and hard work getting through the overcrowded market so we climbed into another taxi and asked the driver to take us our next destination, the Egypt Museum, the 2nd biggest tourist attraction in Cairo. Recognising us as tourists ... I wonder how? ... he initially agreed a price of 5 Egyptian pounds and then deliberately went the wrong way and pretended to be lost. Then he demanded 20 Egyptian pounds to get us where we had asked. We had such an argument that DB refused to travel any further with him at all. She got out whilst I got him down to 7 pounds. A reluctant DB .... trusty map in hand ... returned to the taxi. The Egypt museum is an absolute must for all travellers ... no pegs though!!
Following an overnight stop in Dubai we flew on to the bustling city of New Delhi. As in all the big cities of India, the traffic and state of the roads is total mayhem. We set off on foot to find the Sadar Bazaar .... what a mistake ....... the heat was oppressive and trying to walk along potholed roads (what pavements?) heaving with bikes, tuk tuks, ox carts, sacred cows and all forms of humanity is amazing. After asking loads of people where I could buy pegs we were directed to a narrow alley which appeared to have millions of people trying to get out of and an equal number trying to get in. We fought, and I truly mean fought, our way up this alley to the peg and hanger wholesaler. Once inside his tiny cupboard of a shop, I attempted to explain that I wanted different pegs to the ones I was carrying. In the end we got 12 packets and a further two from another stall ..... oh life is good!
We couldn't face the walk back so we hailed a sort of pram on the back of a bike and for a mere 20 rupees a tiny little Indian man peddled his heart out to get us back over the ruts and undulations in the road to our hotel. DB was feeling quite humble and sorry for him until she glanced back to see the cycle rickshaw behind carrying not two but FIVE people. Boy, these guys are fit.
We had a couple of days in New Delhi where our tour operator lived in his 6 foot square office and we could never manage to call on him when he wasn't asleep under his desk. DB still receives e-mails & Dewali cards from Ramji, a fascinating character who went out of his way to ensure we found the best places for pegs and DB had a memorable trip to the Taj Mahal ... I don't understand it myself, but can you believe she wants to see a little more than just pegs?
Our next stop was in Kuala Lumpur, where we stayed at a hotel smack bang in the middle of Chinatown. DB had booked this hotel using the Internet and she had forgotten to ask if the room had a window. So, we were staying in this room with no windows and it was dark, very dark. This meant that when we went to bed early and woke up at 1 a.m. we watched TV for a bit then went back to sleep. When we awoke it was 12.30 -- we couldn't work out if my watch and gone backwards or we had had a very long sleep. At any rate we were quite refreshed and once we discovered it was daylight, we were ready to hit all the street markets.
When we emerged from the foyer of our hotel we found that a huge Market had been errected whilst we slept ... it was like walking out into a dreamscape. One minute cool and quiet and uncrowded and then through a door to a seething mass of stalls and sprukers in the heat of the day. The market was awash with knock-offs of designer goods and the all the latest DVDs and all the stallholders yelling out their best buys. "You want Find Nemo?" was a common call. That film had only just been released in the cinema, surely the DVD shouldn't yet be available??
We loved Kuala Lumpur and one of the best aquisitions, pegwise, was an unusual animal shaped one found on the washing line of the hotel roof when DB had gone out to see if it was day or night! Kuala Lumpur is a wonderful place for shopping ... we didn't just buy pegs, but DB bought a pair of shoes that don't fit because "They are so pretty and they'll have to fit someone" ! Beware, my friends, KL people are so much smaller than westerners and the clothes and shoes just DO NOT FIT anyone we know .... so the pretty green embroidered shoes are still in the cupboard under our stairs awaiting a tiny pair of cinderella feet!
One thing we did buy was a dark green doormat with the greeting "SELAMAT DATANG" embossed in large golden letters. We sincerely hope that means "Welcome" or we may be offending our visitors on a regular basis!!
Sunday, 21 January 2007
All Hail for the Hurricane

Tuesday, 16 January 2007
Rushin' to the Market ....

Thursday, 11 January 2007
How to Confuse a Kiwi

Yes you're right, but it was an unusual one shaped like a J and they are sold in bags of 100 for next to nothing. After the last posting, we needed a cheap one!
Now then, I ask you, how does it work? Customers in their thousands are asking themselves the same question and consequently not buying them. When used correctly, these pegs can hold a pair of jeans securely on the line in a 100 mile an hour gale and aren't supposed to mark the clothes either.
Monday, 8 January 2007
A Day in the Life of a Peglomaniac .....
My search for pegs takes me to many places and provides countless stories. The one I am going to tell you now, started on Monday October 9th 2006, the day Korea set off an underground nuclear bomb.
At the time, we were staying with friends in Hong. DB (Dearly Beloved) and I woke up with just enough time to drink coffee and rush off in a taxi to the ferry terminal where we caught the high speed catamaran ferry (made in Western Australia). This took us to Lotus Hill, China, in one and a half hours. The shipping lanes were extremely busy and the pollution for the rest of the day was horrific -- like a low cloud.
We were led by our Chinese friend (CFJ) who grabbed a taxi and seemed to argue (in Mandarin) with the driver all the way to Su Liao Cheng or "plastic city" which was in the suburb of Pan Yu in the city of Guang Zhou. Try to imagine a rectangular area, say 300 yards wide and 100 yards deep. This area had hundreds and hundreds of shops with wide roads splitting them up. Every shop was selling plastic items and the roads were busy with motorbikes and delivery vehicles.
The first shop we entered had a huge display of single packets of pegs. Just one of each type and most of them I had never seen before! I was so excited I could hardly contain myself. Not being a Mandarin speaker, I just started to remove them from the display and left CFJ to ask about the prices. Total disbelief was followed by utter despair as CFJ explained that the miserable woman would not sell me any pegs unless I purchased a complete carton full. .... i.e. 144 packets of each. We tried offering her three times the price but no -- this shop was only for wholesalers. I was distraught. DB & CFJ had to drag me out of the shop protesting all the way.
With heavy hearts we moved on to the next shop -- another big display -- more negotiations but very little success -- though we did manage to get one precious packet as the sample was obviously obsolete. We moved on but it was the same story at each shop until at the fifth shop we managed to wear down the owner and he agreed to sell me any packets from his extensive display -- WOW. I filled my rucksack with the packets -- cost HK$162 about A$27.
We carried on trying shop after shop but with little or no success -- it was heartbreaking to see so many pegs that I didn't have but I couldn't buy them. The day was hot and dusty and I was feeling a mixture of exhaustion and disappointment mingled with exhilaration.
We decided to move on. This was difficult as we were in an industrial area where there were no taxis. We looked around desperately, wondering what to do next, when a local bus pulled up. Any port in a storm ... we all jumped on thinking that even if it didn't take us where we were heading at least it would take us to somewhere that had a taxi. Fortunately for us, it was heading in the direction of the Chime Long Safari Park and CFJ knew there was a hotel in the park where we could have lunch.
We were dropped at the entrance to the park, in a layby where there were three young motorcylists. Since the hotel was right in the middle of a safari park, a long and exhausting walk away, we were again looking around for a taxi. .......Ta da !!! CFJ to the rescue .... after much negotiation, CFJ declared that the motorcyclists had agreed to take us to the hotel. Whilst the riders went reasonably slowly (I had insisted before getting on), they also went the wrong way around roundabouts and the wrong way up dual carriageways -- we had no helmets and clung on for dear life. We half expected them to kidnap us if we didn't pay more because CFJ was arguing with them all the way. Visualise the sight of three wind blown guests arriving at this beautiful hotel on the back of motorbikes whilst still arguing over the price.
The superb buffet lunch laid out in the White Tiger Restaurant was about to be put away so we raced around filling our plates and then relaxing over a delicious selection of foods. I had king prawns, caviar, mussels, chicken, kangaroo and all sorts of beautiful sweets including durian turnovers.
After lunch we inspected the white tigers and pink flamingos in their glassed-in enclosures before catching a taxi (at last, a taxi!!) to the local bus station. Here we boarded a comfortable bus for the one and a half-hour drive to Shin Zhen. The pollution was terrible but the new skyscrapers everywhere were amazing. Out of the bus and straight into another taxi to take us to the Lo Hu commercial shopping centre where, after spending the morning trying to persuade people to sell us pegs, we spent the evening trying to avoid people selling us everything! "Missy you want DVD? Missy you want handbag? ". Yes, I know, I am a man and I look like a man, but it was still "Missy you want whatever". We all purchased various things before we became tired of the verbal haggling outside each shop. It was a short walk to the railway station where we boarded the fast train for Hong Kong. Then a tram trip to CFJ's apartment where I pulled out all my pegs and found I had collected 81 different ones. We were exhausted but I was a happy man.
What an eventful day and how many types of transport had we used?
Saturday, 6 January 2007
Heartbreak Hill has a Happy Ending

As the boat slowly passed the houses backing on to the canal, DB suddenly noticed a huge peg over a fence. To get my attention, she had to hoot the horn and when I emerged from the front of the boat she yelled at me with much excitement " Big Peg back there!!! ". We brought the boat to a halt and attempted to pull into the side of the canal, but it was silted up so badly that we ended up stuck fast in the mud and I threw DB off clutching a mixed bag of pegs we had recently collected from Bombay. Through the window of the house we had seen a man watching TV in his lounge. DB approached the back gate and found it locked. Somehow or other, she managed to attract the man's attention and he came out to see what her problem was. The conversation went something like this:
" Hello. Sorry to bother you, but, and I know it's strange, my partner collects clothes pegs...... " a bemused look overcame the guy's face, but she was undeterred .... " you have an unusual peg on your line and I wonder if you would swap it for these pegs here? " even more bemused, the man went to the clothesline and pointed to a very ordinary peg " Oh no! It's the other one I'm asking for. " The man returned with one big peg saying " These are my wife's blanket pegs. She only has three. " " Tell her these pretty ones are from India and you've made someone VERY happy ".
DB scampered back to the boat, which was only about 3 feet from the bank and somehow we managed to get off the mud and I jubilantly took over the helm to continue our trip.
After that, I searched the world for a copy of this peg and was rewarded two years later when I found them, in Chester of all places, in a shop called "Lakeland Plastics". Six months later, we were passing the back garden of that same house in Hatton so we stopped and I walked round to the front door and knocked. This time, the wife answered and I said " You don't know me but your husband gave me one of your blanket pegs two years ago and I have felt guilty, ever since, that he may have got into trouble. So here is a brand new replacement and thanks ".
There are now two bemused folk in Hatton, but for me Heartbreak Hill had a happy ending.
Tuesday, 2 January 2007
Patent Postie . . .