Saturday, 17 June 2017

Photographs of my pegs

This is Mike's trusty sidekick who is making a valiant attempt to show you his photos.

The best I can do at the moment is to to give you links to his various albums.

He has mostly organised then by the spring design so it should be fairly easy for you to find what you are looking for.

I have shown a link to enable you to view them and each album will open in a separate window.

Any comments should be directed to my master who will be made to feel eternally grateful for my unfailing helpfulness.  .... and any suggestions you might wish to make will be very appreciated by my goodself! 

Butterfly Spring Pegs:

Compression Coil Sprung Clothes Pegs:

Conventional Design Pegs

Leaf Sprung Clothes Pegs:

Magnetic clip:

Ring Sprung Clothes Pegs:

Rubber Band Spring:

Self Sprung Plastic Clothes Pegs:

Self Sprung Wooden Pegs:

Tension Coil Sprung Clothes Pegs:

Wide Clip Sprung Clothes Pegs:

Wire over 6cm:

Wire under 6cm:

Wooden Conventional Pegs:


Suzanne T said...


I love your site! My favourite peg so far is 2307. In fact lots of the tension coil pegs are cool! I found some old pegs recently which seemed unusual and so it prompted me to do some research. Imagine my enchantment when I found that the Economist had published a two-page essay about clothespegs in their Christmas special of 2016.

But you know all this. Thank you for making a fascinating story from a simple yet interesting device!

I'll try and work out how to post some pictures for you to look at - it would nice to know what kind of wood they are made from (Willow? Hazel?) and if they are hand or machine assembled.

Thanks again :-) said...

Hi Mike, I do believe we exchanged emails on the subject of peg collecting about ten years ago. You had made a trip to China and returned with many interesting types which you sent me photos of some. I collect clothes pegs too but with less focussed activity than yourself. I admire your attention to clothes pegs. I'd like to give you my collection please; if you can take all the peg types you may not have from it, I would be pleased. I am on Facebook and Messenger and can be contacted by phone or email. Kind regards, Riawati Djuwita, in Adelaide.