We were in Singapore for a short stopover when DB found a small advertisement in a tourist brochure and suggested it might have a peg department ..... enough said!
There was no stopping me ... I was off like a shot ....
We had a map but we must have looked a bit confused when emerging from the metro station in Little India. A lady, with her small son, offered to help us.
Even though she was originally heading in the opposite direction, they walked with us to show us the way.
Here I found a wonderful display of pegs and DB was lost for hours in the fabric department!
There are treasures beyond measure in this wonderful emporium so if you ever find yourself in Singapore, put Mustafa on your Must Do list .... and we'll send you the map.
Thank you Mustafa, you made me a happy man.
p.s. There is a fantastic Vegetarian Restaurant nearby.
I am a dedicated carnivore, but I would still thoroughly recommend it. Not only was I impressed with the food, but also by the incredibly efficient way it was run. No slackers here - and if you click on the image it will come up big enough to read the wise words.
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